Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Something of Her Own

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Day 10
This morning, I helped one of out nurses in the med clinic. I lathered some kids up with hydrocortisone because of rashes they had, I did some ringworm treatments, and I cleaned and bandaged some wounds. I also helped Rachelle organize the clinic so that everything is easier to find.

I went over to the new kitchen and helped two of our team members cook food for a teacher's banquet. We wanted to honor the teachers for all of their hard work, so we served them a mzungu favorite... Mexican food. 

We had tortillas, salsa, corn dip, guacamole, refried beans, and fruit. They loved them so much that we were making more for them on the spot. 

We surprised them with the backpacks that contained lesson plan booklets, clipboards, etc. they took a ton of pictures with their backpacks and couldn't stop smiling. I was thanked a hundred times for everything.

We played with the medium kids, went to evening worship and had another senior night where we played signs. They made fun of our Swahili and we made fun of the American accents they tried to do. We had a blast. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Day 11
We went to the market in the morning. Some seniors joined us to help us barter. Going to the market stresses me out so much because the vendors push everything on you to buy and I just feel so bad to say no. 

Thankfully, my senior friend, Frezier, stuck by my side and helped me out. I was much better than last year and ended up haggling one item a third of the price down all by myself!

We went to a superstore-like place to buy some snacks/Kenyan coffee/necessities. I told my friend that I would buy her something, thinking it would be a candy bar or something. 

She led me to the clothes section and I just kept thinking, "please don't be expensive... Please don't find anything you like." She saw a dress and cardigan on a mannequin and said, "this is good." 

I told her to go try it on. She modeled it for me after she tried it on and she looked so beautiful and happy wearing it. I just had to buy it for her (with Pastor's permission of course). 

The outfit cost about 2,700 shillings ($27). I all of a sudden could not believe that I had been so selfish and stingy with my money and even hoped that she would change her mind and just want a snack instead. 

This was something she could call her own. Something she didn't have to share. And I was all of a sudden overjoyed to purchase a new dress for her to wear. She thanked me and was overwhelmed by my gratitude. 

I know I blessed her by buying her something new, but she blessed me by showing me how much greater love for others is than money.

We got back to the compound around 2. I helped Allison grade some tests and I went down to the field with some kids. We took pictures and videos until my camera's battery died and we laughed until our stomachs hurt. 

I tucked all the girls into bed after evening worship and they all loved it. I would wrap their blanket around them, tickle them, and then give them a kiss on the cheek. 

Some would jump out of bed and ask for me to tuck them in all over again. One group of girls asked if they could tuck me in! 

My mom tucked me in every night when I was growing up and I didn't think anything of it. Tonight allowed me to see that taking the time to make sure someone is safe in their bed shows how much they love them. And I sure do love these kids. If only I could tuck them in and give them kisses every night.

Sweet Hannah has written me a note every day we have been here, and I have always written her back. When I went to move a blanket around on her bed, I noticed that she had all of the letters I had written her hiding under her sheet. 

I turned to another bed and a group of girls were re-reading and passing around letters I had written them. I decorate and draw pictures on these letters and pretty much write the same thing in every one. 

I do it every night before I go to sleep and sometimes I feel like I can't even move my pen because I am so tired of writing the same thing again. But man... these girls cherish these letters the same way (or maybe more) than I do. 

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Shelby for what you are doing for these people, and for sharing - I look forward to your blog everyday!
