Monday, February 27, 2017

Love Crosses Oceans

I am so excited about an amazing opportunity! In September, I will be moving to Gulu, Uganda to serve for 6 months with Four Corners Ministries. 

As many of you know, I have a passion for education, working with people who have disabilities, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These passions combined while I was on a mission trip in Nakuru, Kenya in 2014.

I met a 13-year-old boy with an intellectual disability. He was in a class with 3-year-olds because he was unable to pass basic tests that would send him to a higher grade. It broke my heart to see how many people in other countries have very little, or no knowledge about people with disabilities. They are often seen as a curse, hidden away from society. 

My goal is to remove this stigma and help places around the world understand how truly wonderful people with disabilities are. In 2015, I was able to return to the same orphanage and assist a special educator as she performed IQ tests on 10 children who we thought might have disabilities. From these experiences, The Lord gave me a desire to work with nonprofits on enhancing special education at a global level.

As of 2014, there were about 2.5 million children living with a disability in Uganda, with the northern region having the highest prevalence. This same study states that only about 9% of these students are enrolled in a primary school.

The Lord has answered my prayers and has given me an amazing opportunity to accomplish this dream of providing Hope & Education For Every Nation. With Four Corners, I will be raising awareness around the community and showing others how to recognize a person's abilities rather than their disabilities. 

I will be training the teachers at Abaana's Hope in the area of special education. Most importantly, I will be telling the Acholi people group about the good news of Jesus Christ!

Please help me with my life's passion of Hope & Education for Every Nation. I have an exciting fundraising opportunity coming up, so please stay in touch to help send me to Uganda!

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Greatest Gifts

Letters Round 2
One month later...

August 24, 2015

"God bless you for coming back to Fiwagoh and making it your second home." - Lucy

It's been 31 days since I last saw my Kenyan family ... four weeks since I last held my sweet babies in my arms ... one month since I said goodbye to the place that has stolen my heart once again. 

I'm not gonna lie. It's been hard to be back. I just miss them all so much and would do anything to spend two days traveling back even if I could only spend an hour with them. 

"Love is something when you give it away it comes back to you. I will miss you for a long time than before with enjoyed together with you and others" -Shadrack 

I was reading through letters today that were written by my African friends. I would read a letter, tear up, and then pray for whoever wrote the letter. 

"I feel to cry but no need because I know that we shall meet again" -Eveline 

I would pray that they would no longer feel like an orphan. That they would know that they have been adopted in the family of God and He is now their Father. I pray for them to remain healthy and in fellowship with each other. If they do not have a sponsor, I pray that they we get one and that they will know how loved they are. 

"I love you to the moon and back. You are my friend foreva and eva." -Martha

"You are my beloved best friend. I love you so so so much. Nakupenda naroho yangu yote" -Nabola

I also pray that I will be able to go back again. Unfortunately, I have to take classes next summer for my major, so I will not be able to return until after I graduate. My hope is that everyone reading this will consider traveling to this wonderful place and loving on my kiddos for me. Visit

"My precious stone it has spent you so much to come and visit, love and help such an orphan girl like me. You have left a missing rib in me as you've left us. The precious things you have surrender to come and visit are always cherished in me." -Jacky

If traveling across the world is not an option for you, then I would love for you to consider sponsorship. Sponsoring a child at the orphanage means you will pay $75/month (or $40 for a half sponsor). This amount covers the cost of shelter, food, supplies, clothing, education, and healthcare for the children. 

By sponsoring the child, you become their family. My friend, Molly, just recently started sponsoring a boy named Dennis. Molly got back from Africa the week before I went, so she gave me a letter to give to Dennis that explained that she is now his sponsor. 

I have a video below that shows him reading this letter. For the entire time I was there, he only referred to Molly as his mom.  Visit

I don't want anyone to feel like they are forced into going on a mission trip or sponsoring a child. I understand that it is a huge financial sacrifice. These people have had a huge impact on my life and I just want to do what ever I can to raise awareness and help them in any way possible.

"As you will be flying back to your country, I wish you all the best and may God be your pilot." -Victorine 

"You (and Molly) have decorated and built my life in one way or another. I enjoyed shopping with you all and very excited for my new dress. I can't wait to wear it! I will always see you when I put on the dress." -Frezier 

"You are such a nice friend. I have been watching how you love Alan and John with all your heart." -Sharon 

"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do" -Galatians 2:10